On Your Mark, Get Set...

the author, ryan elizabeth cope, with one of her backyard chickens.

Hi there! Thanks for visiting – you may have noticed things are looking a little…empty…around here. That’s because I’m just finishing up some fabulous updates for you!

Stay tuned for ways to connect about plastic pollution, shift the tide of single-use plastic nonsense, and resources on how to be an environmental badass.

In the meantime…want to change how your colleagues, coworkers, students, or admin staff view plastic pollution? Contact me to bring me to your school, institution, business, or community centre! I bring stories a plenty: of plastic pollution from the centre of the Pacific Ocean and Midway Atoll, along with plastic trash pulled from the guts of deceased albatross to sway you to the low-waste-livin’ side.

Cheers to a future with less single-use plastic, more connection, and mindful living. ✌🏼